Sunday, May 31, 2015

Export Temperature data to Thingspeak using ESP8266 and DHT11

Hi all , If you want to make a simple and less cost IOT (Internet Of Things)  which transfer temperature and humidity data to a website and stores your real time data for monitoring , then this post will full fill all your requirement.

All you need for this project is a esp8266 esp-12 WiFi module and a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, no need for arduino or any other microcontroller to support this WiFi module for this project , esp8266 esp-12 can work standalone without using a microcontroller to support it.

Step by Step instruction to make this work is explained in the video below:

How to upload nodemcu firmware and other details can be find in the link here

1) Register in and create a new channel with 2 fields namely, Temperature and humidity.

2) download the lua program here

3) connect dht11 to the gpio2 of the esp8266 WiFi module.

4) connect esp8266 to your PC

5) extract dht11.rar file that downloaded

6) Open the downloaded file in the Esplorer window

7) Copy the Write key provided from the thingspeak and paste into the dht11.lua program (refer to the video if you are not sure about this)

8) Edit your Wifi SSID and password in the Init.lua Program.

9) Firslty save the dht11.lua to the esp8266 , Secondly save the Init.lua file to the WiFi module.

10) you can check the program successfully uploaded in the esplorer window, once it connected to your Home WiFi network, you can see the IP address assigned to the WiFi module, and you can also see the current temperature and humidity in the Esplorer window.

11) check your channel in the, you can see the real-time data from your WiFi moudle.


  1. I am trying this with ESP8266-01 but does not seem to work. It throws back temp and humidity values as 255.255.

  2. I am trying with ESp8266-01 but getting values of temp and humidity as 255.255

  3. Hi, i want that temperature reading to reach my inbox via e-mail hourly. How is it possible.
    Please help.

  4. where is code?plz send me code
